VoIP Spear API


For each endpoint, you need to define at least one VoIP Test. Basically, this is the server that will be testing the endpoint.

VoIP Test Object

Field Description
id An integer that uniquely identifies the VoIP Test.
endpoint_id The endpoint this VoIP Test belongs to.
server_id The server this VoIP Test belongs to.
mos The current MOS value for this VoIP test. Use the updated_at field to see how recent this value is.
codec The codec being used for the VoIP test.
num_tests The number of packets in each VoIP test
interpacket_ms The number of milliseconds between each testing packet
created_at The date and time the VoIP Test was created.
updated_at The date and time the VoIP Test was last updated.
deleted_at The date and time the VoIP Test was cancelled. If this is null, then the VoIP Test has not been deleted/cancelled yet.
  "id": 1,
  "endpoint_id": 6,
  "server_id": 10,
  "mos": 4.3,
  "codec": "g711",
  "num_tests": 25,
  "interpacket_ms": 100,
  "created_at": "2008-06-07 00:29:53",
  "updated_at": "2017-04-13 13:25:43",
  "deleted_at": "2017-04-13 13:25:43",


Action Method URL
List the VoIP tests for an endpoint GET /endpoints/<endpoint_id>/voip_tests
Show info for a VoIP test GET /endpoints/<endpoint_id>/voip_tests/<voip_test_id>
Create a new VoIP test for an endpoint POST /endpoints/<endpoint_id>/voip_tests
Update a VoIP test PATCH /endpoints/<endpoint_id>/voip_tests/<voip_test_id>
Delete/cancel a VoIP test DELETE /endpoints/<endpoint_id>/voip_tests/<voip_test_id>
Recover a deleted VoIP test PATCH /endpoints/<endpoint_id>/voip_tests/<voip_test_id>/activate

List the VoIP tests for an endpoint


GET /endpoints/<endpoint_id>/voip_tests


In contrast to a listing of users and endpoints, a listing of VoIP tests includes both active and deleted/cancelled VoIP tests.


status Status ("active", "cancelled") of the VoIP tests. Default: "active".
      GET /endpoints/6/voip_tests
  "collection": [
      "id": 1,
      "endpoint_id": 6,
      "server_id": 0,
      "mos": 4.3,
      "codec": "g711",
      "num_tests": null,
      "interpacket_ms": null,
      "created_at": "2008-06-07 00:29:53",
      "updated_at": "2017-04-13 13:25:43",
      "deleted_at": "2017-04-13 13:25:43"
      "id": 19,
      "endpoint_id": 6,
      "server_id": 1,
      "mos": 4.3,
      "codec": "g723",
      "num_tests": 15,
      "interpacket_ms": 10,
      "created_at": "2008-07-17 22:41:12",
      "updated_at": "2022-10-13 1:05:21",
      "deleted_at": null
      "id": 1311,
      "endpoint_id": 6,
      "server_id": 7,
      "mos": 4.3,
      "codec": "g711",
      "num_tests": null,
      "interpacket_ms": null,
      "created_at": "2009-03-06 14:29:30",
      "updated_at": "2017-04-13 13:25:43",
      "deleted_at": "2017-04-13 13:25:43"
  "metadata": {
    "count": 3


Show a VoIP Test


GET /endpoints/<endpoint_id>/voip_tests/<voip_test_id>
      GET /endpoints/6/voip_tests/1311
  "id": 1311,
  "endpoint_id": 6,
  "server_id": 7,
  "mos": 4.3,
  "codec": "g711",
  "num_tests": null,
  "interpacket_ms": null,
  "created_at": "2009-03-06 14:29:30",
  "updated_at": "2017-04-13 13:25:43",
  "deleted_at": "2017-04-13 13:25:43"

Create a VoIP test for an endpoint


POST /endpoints/<endpoint_id>/voip_tests


server_id ID of the server for this VoIP test
codec The codec.
num_tests The number of packets to use in each VoIP test
interpacket_ms The number of milliseconds between each testing packet
      POST /endpoints/6/voip_tests     args:{ "server_id: "1097", "code": "g722" }}
  "id": 1389,
  "endpoint_id": 6,
  "server_id": 1097,
  "mos": null,
  "codec": "g722",
  "num_tests": null,
  "interpacket_ms": null,
  "created_at": "2009-03-06 14:29:30",
  "updated_at": "2009-03-06 14:29:30",
  "deleted_at": null,

Update a VoIP Test


PATCH /endpoints/<endpoint_id>/voip_tests/<voip_test_id>


codec The codec.
num_tests The number of packets to use in each VoIP test
interpacket_ms The number of milliseconds between each testing packet
      PATCH /endpoints/6/voip_tests/1311     args: { "codec": "g722" }
  "id": 1311,
  "endpoint_id": 6,
  "server_id": 7,
  "mos": 4.3,
  "codec": "g722",
  "num_tests": null,
  "interpacket_ms": null,
  "created_at": "2009-03-06 14:29:30",
  "updated_at": "2017-04-13 13:25:43",
  "deleted_at": "2017-04-13 13:25:43"

Cancel a VoIP Test


DELETE /endpoints/<endpoint_id>/voip_tests/<voip_test_id>
      DELETE /endpoints/6/voip_tests/1311
  "id": 1311,
  "endpoint_id": 6,
  "server_id": 7,
  "codec": "g722",
  "created_at": "2009-03-06 14:29:30",
  "deleted_at": "2017-04-16 01:21:14",

Recover deleted VoIP Test


PATCH /endpoints/<endpoint_id>/voip_tests/<voip_test_id>/activate
      PATCH /endpoints/6/voip_tests/1311/activate
  "id": 1311,
  "endpoint_id": 6,
  "server_id": 7,
  "codec": "g722",
  "created_at": "2009-03-06 14:29:30",
  "deleted_at": null,