VoIP Spear Blog: News & Noise

VoIP Spear Refresh

VoIP Spear has been operating since 2008 and the site was starting to lose it's sheen, so we decided to do a refresh. At first, we were planning minor changes only, but one thing led to another and, before we knew it, two months of intense programming had passed.

The biggest change is the main chart page. We replaced the old Flash charts with Google charts. More significantly, we're now showing just one time period on the page. The default view is a six hour time period, and it's easy to change that. Also significant, we've broken the three main data points (MOS, packet loss, latency) out into their own charts.

Another welcome change is the My Account page. It now looks more like a dashboard with recent MOS for each endpoint shown in a gauge.

We've made countless other minor changes and fixes.

What do you think? Do you like the new chart presentation? Are the MOS gauges on the My Account page helpful to you?

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