VoIP Spear Blog: News & Noise

Jan 14, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Jan 14, 2009

It's been two months since we launched VoIP Spear and we've learned a lot in this time. New users are signing up every day and it's exciting to see people all over the world using the service. The first thing I do each morning (and, indeed, several times throughout the day) is check to see who has signed up and where they are from.

I'm not sure if anyone has noticed, but there have been a few small changes to VoIP Spear in the last two months. We've worked hard to make them as transparent as possible so the changes doesn't interfere with the operation of the site.

We're open to suggestions. We aim to make VoIP Spear the best VoIP QoS monitoring service on the Internet, so we need the help of our users. If you have a comment or suggestion for us, let us know by responding to this blog post or emailing us at support /AT/ toepoke.com.

rgblake says: Posted on Jan 17 6:19am
when will that API be available?
admin says: Posted on Jan 20 5:57am
The API is finished and I've spent the last few days making up the documentation for it. I'm done now and I'm going to cut it over to the production server tomorrow. I'll send you and email when it's ready.
Olivier says: Posted on Jan 26 9:54am
Hi Seems very good, haven't try it yet, just a little comment, we are used ti click on a Start the test button on VoiP tester.. I cannot find. I must say I haven't look deeply yet.. :-) Good luck anyhow and I 'l keep you informed about feedback Olivier

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